Chicken cuts and safe preparation
Chicken is the meat from the most common type of domesticated fowl and is one of the largest meat producing industries in the world.
Poultry farming is the single biggest sector of the South African agricultural economy and plays a huge role as the primary source of protein for the majority of South Africans. All parts of the chicken are used and utilized, including offal, and can be braaied, stewed, curried or grilled.
Whole chickens
Chicken is the meat from the most common type of domesticated fowl and is one of the largest meat producing industries in the world. Poultry farming is the single biggest sector of the South African agricultural economy and plays a huge role as the primary source of protein for the majority of South Africans. All parts of the chicken are used and utilized, including offal, and can be braaied, stewed, curried or grilled.
2 Breast and tenderloin
Chicken breast must be the most versatile meat. It is a white meat with very little fat. Tenderloins are a good option too. They are slightly more tender than the whole breast and are great crumbed and baked, or quickly chargrilled and tossed in a hot salad. Buy as single chicken breasts fillets without the skin, with tenderloin attached, or with skin on. A supreme cut is the chicken breast with wingette attached and skin on.
3 Leg
The whole chicken leg is the drumstick-thigh combination. The whole leg differs from the leg quarter and does not contain a portion of the back.
The thigh is the portion of the leg above the knee joint. Thigh meat is also dark and has a great deal of flavour. It is as versatile as its leg counterpart, with a lovely firm and juicy texture.
Drumsticks include the lower portion of the leg quarter (the portion between the knee joint and the hock). The dark meat of the leg or drumstick is regarded as one of the tastiest parts of the chicken. It is juicy and can be used in whole number of ways.
Guide to safe preparation of poultry
Cool it
Like all raw meat, poultry can spoil quickly. Therefore, when you’re on a shopping trip, pick up your poultry just before going home. At home, place the poultry in the refrigerator or freezer immediately. Do not freeze poultry that has been previously frozen.
Thaw It
Never thaw poultry at room temperature. Leave poultry in the original package and follow one of the following methods:
Refrigerator method
Ideal, as it keeps the meat cold until it is completely defrosted.
Place poultry on a tray in the refrigerator.
Allow 10 hours/kg.
Cold water method
In a large container, cover the poultry completely with cold water.
Change water at least every hour.
Allow 1 hour per pound (2 hours / kg).
Clean it
Rinse poultry well inside and out with cold water. Thoroughly pat dry with paper towels.
Always wash hands thoroughly in hot soapy water before preparing and handling raw meat.
Do not let raw meat or juices touch ready-to-eat foods either in the refrigerator or during preparation.
Do not put cooked foods on the same plate that held raw products.
Wash utensils, dishes and surfaces used for cutting poultry with hot, soapy water. Then rinse using a sanitizing solution of one capful of chlorine bleach in a sink full of warm water. Thoroughly rinse surfaces, dishes and utensils with hot water.
Cook it
The meat of poultry is high in nutritional value and if the skin is removed prior to consuming, it is low in saturated fat as well. The light meat from the breast area tends to be lower in fat than darker meat from the thighs and drumsticks.
Poultry can be cooked with almost any cooking method, but the age of the bird often determines the best method to use. The youngest birds are the most tender and are best when cooked with dry heat cooking methods, such as roasting, frying, grilling, and broiling.
The meat of older birds is much tougher and usually requires moist heat cooking methods, such as steaming, boiling, stewing, and braising, to tenderize the meat.
The center of the meat loaves should not be pink and the juices should run clear. Crumbled ground poultry should be cooked until no pink colour remains. When baking, set oven no lower than 160°C. After cooking, refrigerate leftovers after the poultry has cooled somewhat. Separate into small portions for fast cooking. To reheat all leftovers, cover and heat until hot and steaming throughout.
Carve it
Remove drumstick and thigh
Press leg away from body. Joint connecting leg to backbone will often snap free, or may be severed easily with knife point. Cut dark meat completely from body by following body contour carefully with the knife.
Slicing dark meat
Place drum stick and thigh on separate plate and cut through connecting joint. Both pieces may be individually sliced. Tilt drumstick to convenient angle, slicing towards the plate. Hold the thigh firmly on plate with fork. Cut even slices parallel to the bone.
Preparing breast
Place knife parallel and as close to the wing as possible. Make a deep cut into breast, cutting right to the bone. This is your base cut. All breast slices stop at this horizontal cut.
Carving breast
Carve downward, ending at the base cut. Start each new slice slightly higher up on the breast. Keep slices thin.
Store it
When storing fresh poultry, refrigerate in a covered container for use within 2 days.
Cooked poultry products may be stored in a covered container, plastic bag or aluminium foil for up to 4 days in the refrigerator or up to 3 months in the freezer.
Note: After cooking, keep the poultry hot, above 60°C.) or refrigerate below 4°C.). Do not leave it at room temperature for more than 2 hours!
Recipes –
Rainbow Chicken was founded in 1960 and more than 60 years later is one of South Africa’s largest poultry producers.
We process, distribute, and market fresh, frozen, value-added, and further-processed chicken of superior quality.
Brands include Rainbow Chicken and Farmer Brown.
Rainbow Chicken is the taste you can trust! We have consistently delivered a variety of quality chicken products in South Africa for more than 60 years. With a strong South African heritage, Rainbow’s vast experience and knowledge mean our consumers know they can rely on Rainbow to deliver great-tasting, local chicken every time.
Since the 1980’s, Farmer Brown has been raising chickens the right way and we continue to do so, with the simple secret of expert care and respect for our chickens. We always aim to bring our consumers that fresh chicken taste from our farms to their plates. Farmer brown’s chickens are all fed a vegetarian diet, and are cage free that’s why we say ‘They taste so good ‘cos they eat so good’