A world of innovation in packaging and food processing


Propak Cape 2017 is being hosted at Cape Town International Convention Centre between 24-26 October 2017. This expo will open a world of innovation in the packaging, food processing, plastics, printing and labelling industries only seen in Cape Town every 3 years.

Propak Cape 2017 is being hosted at Cape Town International Convention Centre between 24-26 October 2017. This expo will open a world of innovation in the packaging, food processing, plastics, printing and labelling industries only seen in Cape Town every 3 years.

Packaging today is more than a means to transport your goods; it is also a tool to promote, display, sell and make your product readily available to your target market. The importance of packaging, branding nor how the type of packaging, labelling or materials influence the decision to purchase.

Labelling is branding and the materials used in today’s fast-paced but eco-friendly world play as much of a role in purchasing decisions as does the product itself; this makes labelling possibly one of the most important aspects to any branding decision.

The packaging industry has evolved beyond the packaging manager and now includes marketing decision-makers to quality control managers. When considering how best to improve production or food processing outputs, while offering staff the best available tools to achieve ongoing targets – your job will be made easier at Propak Cape 2017. Having the ability to see all the latest industry production equipment under a single roof either displayed or through live demonstrations, plus the opportunity to speak to technical experts on the stands; makes decisions for recommended future growth more tangible.

Packaging and food processing go hand-in-hand with ensuring food products meet industry regulations and also high consumer standards. Variable packaging options will play a role in maintaining nutritional value through the food processing and transport chain and to the table – so implementing new processes to ensure healthy food is increasingly important.

Ensuring quality to the end-user is another area where packaging plays an important role.
Yes, the product, production line & supply chains must be efficient, maintained and optimised but quality to the end-user is largely dependent on secure packaging. To maintain quality and brand equity, packaging and labelling has become an integral part of every quality control managers remit of work challenges. ProPak Cape will help you get a handle on how much the latest innovation in packaging, labelling and plastics can improve your final product and secure the quality of the customer-product-experience.

Propak Cape 2017 is being hosted at Cape Town International Convention Centre between 24-26 October 2017 & is co-hosted with the Wine & Olive Oil Production Expo.

This year Propak Cape 2017 will focus on five packaging related showcases:
ProPak Cape: Packaging
FoodPro: Food Processing
Pro-Plas: Plastics
Print Expo: Printing
Pro-Label Cape: Labelling

In addition, this year a sixth showcase will be launched: the Wine & Olive Oil Production Expo.

Register here for FREE Entry to Propak Cape 2017 & the Wine & Olive Oil Production Expo. Doors are open daily between 9AM – 5PM & you can stay connected to the build-up & with all of the daily happenings of the show via Propak Cape 2017 Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn pages.


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