GELITA AG joins the Animal Welfare Initiative as a sponsoring member

GELITA AG announces it is joining the Animal Welfare Initiative as a sponsoring member. As of August 1, 2018, the company will support the Animal Welfare Initiative with a financial contribution. By becoming sponsoring members, companies that do not directly sell meat and meat products can help improve animal welfare in livestock farming.




“For us, as processors of animal by-products for the production of collagen proteins like gelatins, collagen peptides and collagen, the topic of animal welfare is particularly relevant. Even though the public discussion is primarily focused on the production of meat, due consideration must also be given to animal by-products. Ethical and fair livestock farming is a fundamental building block for the general acceptance of animal products. We firmly believe that the Animal Welfare Initiative is taking the right approach by consciously tackling the topic across the supply chain with large-scale involvement from the industry,” says Reinhard Zehetner, Global VP of Quality and Regulatory Affairs at GELITA AG.


“With GELITA AG, we’ve gained a partner that we can really be pleased with. That’s because GELITA AG proves that the topic of animal welfare is a relevant issue for more and more companies,” says Dr. Alexander Hinrichs, Managing Director of the Animal Welfare Initiative. “GELITA AG is making a statement with its sponsoring membership: the time has come to take responsibility at all stages of the meat supply chain, and the Animal Welfare Initiative offers the possibility of doing this.”


As sponsoring members, companies contribute to creating a more ethical and sustainable meat industry. Companies that are interested in becoming sponsoring members can contact the Animal Welfare Initiative’s office in Bonn.


The Initiative’s shareholders are:

  • Bundesverband der Deutschen Fleischwarenindustrie e.V. [The Federal Association of the German Meat Product Industry]
  • Deutscher Bauernverband e.V. [German Farmer’s Association]
  • Deutscher Raiffeisenverband e.V. [German Raiffeisen Association]
  • Handelsvereinigung für Marktwirtschaft e.V. [Trade Union for Market Economics]
  • Verband der Fleischwirtschaft e.V. [Association of the Meat Industry]
  • Zentralverband der Deutschen Geflügelwirtschaft e.V. [Central Association of the German Poultry Industry]






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