Update on Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) outbreak in Limpopo
Subsequent to Minister Zokwana’ s meeting with industry, the technical task team met on Wednesday, 16 January 2019 to share information and advice.
After setting out the terms of reference, the technical task team agreed on the following:
To limit the area being vaccinated to make long-term management of the disease easier; provided this does not compromise the disease control efforts.
To increase police visibility.
To provide feed for the affected villages in order to limit movement and interaction of animals at grazing sites.
Two sets of teams have started work in the area, with 17 vaccination teams working in the possibly infected areas conducting inspections and vaccinations; four inspection teams are working to ‘clean’ the area to determine the extent of the outbreak; 4 021 animals in nine villages have been vaccinated so far.
To date, the disease has been confirmed in two villages. Following reports of clinical signs, three more villages are being followed up; with samples submitted to the laboratory and results expected early next week.
The Limpopo Department of Agriculture has provided feed to the affected animal owners, and letters have been sent to 20 of our trade partners. Trade of especially processed products is starting to flow.
DAFF wishes to reiterate the movement restriction in the disease management area of Vhembe. No live cloven hooved animals are allowed to move into, within, through and out of the area. Law enforcement has been reinforced and any animals found to
be moved around will be confiscated by the police and destroyed.
This area has the following boundaries:
Northern boundary
The R524 road from town of Makhado to Thohoyandou up to the Kruger National Park (KNP) fence
Western boundary
The N1 Highway from Makhado to the point where the R36 road crosses the N1 Highway
Southern boundary
The R36 road from the N1 Highway to Mooketsi. Along the Mooketsi/Giyani Road (R81) from Mooketsi to where the road crosses the Little Letaba River. Along the Little Letaba River up to the fence of the KNP
Eastern boundary
The KNP fence
DAFF wishes to reassure consumers that the products on the shelves are safe for consumption. The reason trade is interrupted is because FMD is a highly trade sensitive disease which calls for trade partners to suspend trade with countries infected. DAFF is confident that this is a temporary setback, and is working with industries to motivate the resumption of trade in safe products.
Source – Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.